I would be happy to provide you with certified translations of your documents for official purposes.
These documents may include:
Step 1 – Quote
Please send me a scan or photo of the document you need translated via e-mail so that I can provide you with an exact quote. You will receive the quote within one business day.
Please note: Your documents will be treated confidentially!
Step 2 – Translation
Translations usually take 1 to 4 business days. Let me know if the translation is urgent so I can work within your timeline.
Step 3 – Picking Up Your Translation
Please bring the original with you and show it to me.
Step 4 – Payment
Payment is due within 14 days by bank transfer. I will give you the invoice at pick-up or send it to you shortly thereafter.
If you are not located in or around Ingolstadt: Certified translations can also be issued on the basis of scans and sent to you by post. It depends on the intended use of the translation whether this is sufficient, or whether the translation has to be issued on the basis of the original.